Ingenique Solutions

Referral Form

⚠️This is a referral form for backup and non-SentroWeb® users. If you are SentroWeb® user, we recommend you to log in to your SentroWeb® account and refer friends from there to get more rewards!

    My Name*

    My Company*

    My Friend's Name*

    My Friend's Company*

    My Friend's Contact No.*

    My Friend's Email*

    Log in to SentroWeb®
    to Get More Rewards!

    Log in to your SentroWeb® account to refer friends to us, you can get more sizzling rewards!

    Contact us for details:

    (SG)  +65 6929 8340
    (HK)  +852 5808 4202
    (MY) +60 154 600 0416